Our minds matter
"Our Minds Matter" is an event series dedicated to BIPOC Mental Health Awareness and was initially curated by Shanae Benito, M.A., LAPC, NCC, in collaboration with Black Clinicians Meet, the Alive and Well Foundation, D. Tobago Benito, and The Tobago Legacy Project. These event serve as a psychoeducational and networking platform designed to raise awareness about mental health among people of color. Its primary objectives include destigmatizing mental health challenges and offering resources to underprivileged communities.
Panel Topics: Men's Mental Health: Challenging Stigmas, Impact of Broken Homes on Children & Individuals, Challenges Faced by Single Mothers, Deconstructing "The Strong Black Woman" Stereotype, Alarming Maternal Mortality Rates Among Black Women, Addressing Generational Trauma and Curses, Importance of Financial Literacy and Existing Disparities, Examining Systemic Oppression, Confronting Burnout and Toxic Work Environments & More .
Vision & Mission
Our vision entails establishing a worldwide program dedicated to offering mental health solutions that combat the stigma surrounding mental health within BIPOC communities. Through education and positive influence, we aim to transform lives. Our goal is to foster a future where we empower individuals, businesses, and communities to achieve greater success and prosperity by enhancing their mental well-being and offering valuable resources to support this endeavor.
We aim to empower BIPOC individuals to prioritize their mental well-being by emphasizing the importance of therapy, community, breaking generational curses and self-care. This mission is realized through our events, outreach efforts, and resource provision.
Our Minds Matter pt. 2 - BIPOC Mental Health Mixer
In observance of National Suicide Prevention Month, we held Our Minds Matter - BIPOC Mental Health Event pt.2 at Prime on Peachtree for a day dedicated to promoting mental well-being in the BIPOC community. This in-person event will featured networking, panel discussions, and interactive activities which aimed at raising awareness and providing support. Like-minded individuals came together to share experiences, learn coping strategies, and build a stronger community.
Host: Moderator: Shanae Benito MA, LAPC, NCC - IG: @ShanaeBenito_, Psychotherapist, Philanthropist, President of Black Clinicians Mee
Our Panelists:
Tunde Oshikoya, DMSc-S, MPAS, PA-C @Tundeo__ - Doctoral Student, Board-Certified Physician Assistant
Aleasa Word,CEIC,CEQP,CEQA,CTSS - EQ Practitioner @iammzword, Trauma Support, Executive Coach
Dr. Curtis Jasper - @Iamdr.Curt, Psychologist, Educator